Pre-clinical Imaging
Our pre-clinical imaging portfolio is made up of commonly used modalities such as Optical Imaging, Ultrasound, CT, PET and SPECT as well as emerging technologies such as Optoacoustic and Magnetic Particle Imaging, Image-Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) and Fluorescence Endoscopy which overcome some of the limitations of traditional imaging techniques thereby increasing translational potential.

In Vivo Imaging Systems - Bioluminescence, fluorescence, X-ray Imaging
Small Animal Optical Imager
Small Animal Optical Imager

Image-guided Irradiators, Cabinet Irradiators and Optical Imaging for Radiation Research
Image Guided Irradiators

Modular Imaging Instruments CT-PET-SPECT-OI
CT System
PET Imaging
SPECT Imaging
Optical Imaging

Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography
Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography

Magnetic Particle Imaging
Magnetic Particle Imager with integrated X-ray/CT

Veterinary Anethesia Equipment
Pre-clinical Ultrasound Systems
Pre-clinical Ultrasound Systems
Small Animal Ultrasound

Fluorescent proteins and antibodies