Prospect T1
Small Animal Ultrasound

Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging
Prospect T1 is a small, economical animal ultrasound imaging system with a spatial resolution down to 30μm. It provides researchers with real-time and non-invasive image acquisition capabilities for in-vivo and longitudinal studies on animal models. With a high frame rate and impressive sensitivity, it is capable of visualising fast moving events such as blood flows and heart motions, as well as micro-vasculatures on mouse models.
Real-time color Doppler imaging and triplex imaging in update mode (B/PW/Color).
Molecular imaging for perfusion and targeting information.
Comprehensive measurement tools for image analysis with 2-D and 3-D image data.
Connectivity to external devices, such as a laser, a HIFU transducer, or a source for generating radiation force, allows extened capabilities including sonoporation and elasticity imaging.
Adjustable imaging parameters (center frequency, cycle, PRF, TGC, …etc) for each probe to optimize image quality in different applications.
Full line of image adjustments for live viewing and retrospective review.
Virtual Array (Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique) for improved image resolution and depth of field.
Save static or dynamic data in multiple data formats including raw, jpg, tif, bmp, DICOM, cineloop (up to 1000 frames) and avi.
Imaging Modes

Doppler Mode

3D Imaging Mode

B Mode

M Mode

Constrast Mode

Analog Doppler Mode

Pulsed-wave (PW) Doppler Mode