CryoPREP® Tissue Extraction Systems
Biomolecule Extraction
The cryoPREP™ Extraction Systems have been designed to integrate the tissue processing workflow from point-of-collection flash freezing to biochemical extraction with AFA™ Focused-ultrasonicators. The tissueTUBE™ Systems are used to process tissue samples and extract biomolecules from a wide range of tissue samples ranging in mass from 10 mg up to 2 g. The t-PREP™ System is designed to extract biomarkers and other biomolecules from small tissue samples (e.g., needle biopsies). Manual and automated cryoPREP Impactors are available for the cryofracture of frozen tissue samples in the tissueTUBEs and t-PREP Devices.
- Sample Processing Capacity: Mass range 15 mg to 1 g
